Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates are available to purchase online or call us to pick up from the location in person. All the services are available to purchase. Followings are some and most popular items. Value will never expire.


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Classic Swedish Massage  60 minutes $85

Classic Swedish Massage using gentle stroke to achieve ultimate relaxation, promotes well being, relieve stress and boosts good night sleep.

Classic Deep Tissue Massage 60 minutes $90

Deep Tissue massage helps with loosen knotted muscle, relieve tension and chronic pain.

Sports Massage 60 minutes $90

Sports Massage suits for active individuals enhancing their sports activity, preparation or recovery maintenance before, after and during training or competition events.

Classic Deep Tissue Massage with Cupping Therapy Combination 65 minutes $119

Deep Tissue Massage with Cupping Therapy combination suits for whom experiencing chronic on going pain, performing strenuous activities and sports also helps with breaking up the binding tissues and helps with heal injuries in the body.

Cupping Therapy 40 minutes $75

Cupping Therapy helps with improve poor circulation, muscle pain, scar tissues, and help pull out toxins from the body.

Raindrop Spine Therapy 60 minutes $150

This powerful healing treatment addresses many misalignment in the body to achieve recharge, renew and refresh.