
Cupping Therapy 40 min $75

Cupping therapy is an ancient therapeutic techniques that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. This suction pulls the skin and underlying tissues upward, which is believed to help promote healing and alleviate various health issues. Cupping causes the skin turn to temporarily red, blue or purple especially if there is an injury or energetic blockage under the area that was cupped. Some cases cupping therapy cause temporarily blister on cupped area depend on how your body reacts to it. Skin discoloration can last anywhere from a few days to couple of weeks, but is rarely painful. There are number of methods of cupping. Moving, fixed-which is non moving and fire cupping.

Gua-Sha 45 min $99

This traditional Chinese medical treatment translates ‘to scrape away fever’. Gua meaning to rub or scrape and Sha meaning stagnant energy that causes excess heat to build in the body. When performing Gua-Sha therapist uses smooth edged tool to repeatedly stroke the skin. Little red dots will rose from applying Gua Sha over the skin surfaces and it will disappear within 2-5 days. Gua sha has been used to treat wide range of both acute and chronic health conditions including headaches, fever, digestive disorders asthma, joint and muscle pain and respiratory infections as well as women’s health issues, insomnia and general fatigue.

Kansa Wand Body Work 45 min $125

Kansa wand is made out of blend of metals, principally copper and tin. This combination is called bronze in the West and Kansa in India. Kansa was also used to create sacred statues, bells and Tibetan singing bowls, all known for having the unique power to heal and restore balance in the skin and body. Therapist uses moderate pressure, delicate stroking or rapid friction to create warm relaxing and comfortable sensation for the body. Kansa wand massage benefits include calm the nervous system, eases muscle tension, erases stress and tiredness in the any muscle group and face, neck, shoulders, back and feet. Another advantage of these treatments includes subtle electrical conductivity of the bronze copper metal which may explain this therapy improves body’s natural electrical balancing system.

Herbal ball body treatment 50 minutes $130

This unique techniques also known as herbal compress is a traditional healing techniques originating from Thailand. It involves the use of a cloth ball filled with a blend of aromatic herbs and spices, which is steamed or heated before being applied to the body in a massage session.

Shiatsu body treatment 60 min $120

Shiatsu massage is a form of Japanese bodywork therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body using the fingers thumbs, palms and elbows. Unlike some other forms of the massage Shiatsu massage is typically performed with a client fully clothed loose comfortable  clothing recommended to allow for ease of movement and access to the body’s meridians and pressure points.

Craniosacral Therapy 60 min $150

Craniosacral Therapy is gentle hands on approach to bodywork that focuses on the craniosacral system, which includes the bones, tissues and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Developed by osteopathic physician Dr. John Upledger in the 1970’s this therapy is based on the idea that the craniosacral system has its own rhythm and can be influenced by gentle touch to promote healing and balance in the body.


Rain Drop Spine Therapy 60 min $165

This techniques developed by Dr. Gary Young, founder of Young Living Essential Oils, in the 1980’s. During a sessions the essential oils are applied to the spine, neck and feet using a specific techniques known as dropping or “raindrop” application. The oils are dropped onto the spine from a few inches above, resembling raindrops failing onto the skin. Gentle massage strokes are then distribute the oils and promote absorption onto the skin. Uses of Oregano, thyme, basil, cypress, wintergreen, marjoram, peppermint, and other oils creates antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects in the body.